Santiago Huerta Fernández

Dr. Santiago Huerta is a tenured professor of Project and Structural Calculation at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM).

He obtained his doctorate in 1990 and achieved the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award. In the last twenty years he has worked as a consultant for Analysis of Historical Constructions. He has been secretary and deputy director of the Department of Structures of ETSAM. He is cofounder and president of the Spanish Society for the History of Construction (SEDHC) and is currently the director of publications for the Juan de Herrera Institute. He was chair of the First International Congress on Construction History (Madrid, 2003). Since 1996, he has been chair of the already eleven Spanish eleven Spanish Congresses on Construction History and of the First and Second International Hispano-American Congresses on Construction History.

He is author of more than 80 publications among books (editor), papers in specialized journals and communications to congresses.

Scientific and professional interests of Dr. Santiago Huerta are connected with History of Construction, Masonry Arches Vaults and Domes.